Top 10 Cool Magic Tricks
It’s always fun to learn magic tricks. You never know when a magic trick might come in handy and you can use it to impress someone. Magic can produce awesome effects and many other things. Most people view page with a great deal of suspicion and when
ever someone does practice magic they
usually do it in secrecy and isolation. Here are ten cool magic trick videos.
10. The Coin Fold Illusion Magic Trick Revealed
Did you ever want to learn the coin fold trick? It’s magic trick is now revealed!
9.Coin Flip
Win the coin flip every time.
8. Liquid In Glass
Impress your friends with learning how to make liquid appear in glass.
7. Coin Through The Hand
Ever wanted to know how your friend could put their coin thru their hand?
6. Bend The Spoon Trick
Bend spoons in a magical way.
5.The Finger Pulse
Impress your friends with this easy card trick.
4. Pepper and Water
Great way to get the kids involved.
3.Go Thru A window
I don’t know about you but personally, I’ve always been curious as to how this one was done.
2. A Cool Magical Crayon Trick
Easy crayon trick that will shock anyone.
1. The Famous Hat Trick Revealed
Now, you can learn how to do the rabbit trick!
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