Top Ten Odd Olympic Costume Facts
Many times when you are watching the Olympics you might find yourself side tracked because of the costumes that they must wear or either the track suits that they have on. Some of the uniforms that they wear in the Olympics appear to be very creative and unique but other times they often look strange. When you are looking at the uniforms what you might not know is some of the facts about them and some of those facts might even make the costumes even stranger.
10. Cyclists Helmets
The cyclists wear helmets that are aerodynamic when they compete in the race for the triathlon plus in the race for the time trail. However, the one thing that is bad about these helmets is that they don’t have any air vents included and so it could possibly get very hot when they are wearing them.
9. Volleyball Uniforms
The International Olympic Committee decided to change their rule at the beginning of the year. The rule was that beach volleyball players had to wear bikini uniforms and that it was mandatory for them to wear them. Most of the nations forbid their women to show a lot of skin. Now the women can wear decent shorts plus tops that would be either sleeveless or sleeved. They still have the option to wear bikini uniforms but it is no longer a required rule.
8.Synchronized Swimming
Synchronized swimming is a sport that many people like to watch. However, you might find yourself sidetracked with the head and sequins of the ornaments. These are permitted when they are swimming. Swimmers use a tiny clip that is made of hard plastic and sometimes of wire that is with a very thin rubber coat and this helps so that the water won’t enter in their nose when they are doing movements underwear.
7. Hair Gel Swimming
Hair gel is almost a must with Synchronized swimming. The gelatin that is applied is special because it’s a paste that is thick and warm. It does harden and when they are in cold water it will remain firm and they need this in order for it to stay on correctly.
6.USA Team Track Suits
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The USA Team Track Suits are designed by Nike this year in 2012. They have patches on them that are patterned dimpled and because of this they are considered to be efficient aerodynamically. You can spot the patterns on their legs and on their forearms. In a sprint this is to be considered a very fast moving body part. These suits also appear to be very environmental friendly because they are made partly from water recycled bottles.
If you want to get involved in fencing then you should know about the uniform ahead of time. A top notch fencing uniform that includes the gloves, pants, jacket, mask and the chest protector might cost you at least $1,o00 and above depending on the name brands that you get for the uniform.
4. LZR Swimsuits
The LZR swimsuits that are full bodied and made up of 50 % of polyurethane got banned right after the summer 2008 games because the critics felt that they seemed to be more of a water vessel and did not see them as a swimsuit and they wanted them to wear something that looked more like a swimsuit.
3. Summer Swimsuit 2012 Olympics
2012 Summer Olympics swimsuit was a very tight fit this year. Swimmers like Michael Phelps needed a pair of some special grippy gloves so that he could put them on but he was not the only swimmer that needed them this year as lots of others needed to use those gloves to pull them up.
Female and male gymnasts wear hand grips and they have dowels which are built in and this helps athletes because it allows them to have firm grips on the rings and bars. If they did not have this then they would not be able to fly very high.
1. USA 2012 Summer Olympics Athletic Outfits
2012 Summer Olympics there was a big uproar that started over the uniforms that the athletes wore in the United States. Nothing was actually wrong with the uniforms and they looked very good but the problem that many people had was that the clothing was actually made in China and not in the United States. They now have a commitment that they will be making the uniforms in the 2014 games in the USA and not in China.
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