Odd Things To Do At Home Waiting Out The COVID-19 Outbreak
Whenever a great depression has happened in history there’s been some bizarre things that came from it. Some of the things were good, and other things, not so good. Running to the store and finding things gone such as toilet paper might bring back some memories during the times of the Great Depression. This does not mean a Great Depression is about to happen, but it’s just the fear, and uncertainty of the future which causes some people to panic because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Instead of panic buying, think about other things that you can do and how you can survive without giving into the fear. People are also getting very bored because of being stuck at home and not sure what to do while they are home and unable to go anywhere.

Pull out the DVDS and Videos
Streaming movies online can be awesome and a lot of fun. However, online streaming can make the internet bill go up. Look into watching old movies that the family might have forgotten. What about the movie Flashdance that was released in the year 1983? These type of feel good movies always makes the day seem lighter. People that love the Harry Pottery series might enjoy pulling out and watching The Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings again.
Practice Social Distancing – Write an inmate today
You can write letters to inmates and make someones day brighter this way. One of the sites I highly recommend checking out is meet-an-inmate.com
You would be surprised at how many inmates need a penpal year round. Another site to find a penpal inmate on would be jailbabes.com. You never know when one of the inmates could turn out to be a life long friend.
Write letters to people in the nursing home
When writing inmates don’t forget to check out the nursing homes in your local area. Many people in nursing homes cannot have visitors or might be extremely limited on how many visitors they have. Write letters to them and cheer up their day. Be sure to call the nursing home ahead of time and make sure that they are accepting letters and find out the rules before doing it. Some homes might have rules on the mail the elderly people receive in the home.
Start growing food yourself
If you’re having to homeschool children, this would be a wonderful thing to teach them and possibly serve as a great distraction from everything happening while getting D. Everyone can join in and have fun. You could even make live videos on Facebook or on social media while you’re planting your own food. Just be sure to not forget the sunblock while spending time outside and protective clothing.
Do Virtual Tours Online
There’s plenty of virtual tours you can do online for free. Most of these can be found by researching Google to get the latest links and updates. These online tours can become a very important educational ground to help with children and also provide some fun for the adults. Some of the most popular free virtual tours online include, for the horror fan: a virtual tour of the Paris Catacombs, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, for the zoo lovers: The Georgia Aquarium has an online virtual tour other zoos include the San Diego Zoo and the National Aquarium, for some free online landmark virtual tours check out; Taj Mahal in India, Ellis Island in New York and the Palace of Versailles in France.
Learn how to tie dye
Believe it or not, having something to tie dye can be a lot of fun plus serve as gifts later in the future. You can tie dye almost anything from shirts to pillows and even blankets. Children need to be carefully observed as they are tie dying. You can get some blank white shirts or colored ones with nothing on them and have fun with it. It’s best to tie dye things outside.
Write eBooks
Writing eBooks is a wonderful way to let your imagination go wild and have some while possibly making some money on the side. There are lots of sites that can help you with self-publishing. If you have ever considered or thought about writing your own eBook, there’s nothing better then now to start on it. There’s lots of mobile apps as well which can help you with writing an eBook and provide tips on how to do it. This would be a lot of fun for the entire family to learn how to do and to be involved with it.
Host virtual dinners online for your loved one
Instead of going to a person’s home, have a dinner online together. There’s lots of virtual dinners you can do online. Anything from hosting a special romantic dinner, to just having a picnic online can be a lot of fun. You don’t necessarily have to go to their home in order to have the dinner. You can mail them the food or either show them how to prepare it or let them make food at home. Just take time out for them and enjoy the dinner. You can do it by Facetime online or with downloading one of the apps that allows you to do video time. It might not even cost as much as it would when going out and might even be more romantic. You can sign off with throwing each other a good night kiss.

The most important thing to remember is that during a time of boredom or even with just struggling with depression, try to distract yourself with learning new things. It can be very easy to get caught up in what was or in the fantasy world of what could be, instead just be thankful for the now. Don’t let others depression or boredom bring you down. Always try to look for something fun to do even if it’s simply just listening to music and dancing alone in your room. You might be surprised to learn that many also might be feeling the same as you are right now and that it’s just not you feeling this way.
Categories: Weird/Odd
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