All posts by "admin"
Want to make your life portable , here are some weird but unique gadgets for you.
Everyday we see verity of ads, but they are certain ads which hit us hard. Here is a collection of…
Damn you fire throwing turtles, why don’t you just let my Super Mario pass through the pipe drain so that…
Ever wondered what would happen if the dogs ruled our world. Well take a look.
Underwater volcanoes also known as Submarine volcanoes are found under ocean and can generally eject into air after eruption. Underwater…
There are many inventions which contributes a great share in our works, never realize there importance and keep utilizing them.…
If human have myths, legends and tales to live on, the animal kingdom can boast of some fascinating if not…
When was the last time you worried about driver’s life after witnessing a serious accident? Here is a list of…
Hi! This is our first post on the newly started blog and we am really excited about it